High Rise Basketball: Elite Training Academy Boys Ball Handling & Shooting

Boys    4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th    Basketball    Class/Clinic    Fall, Spring, Winter    Stamford


“Our Ball Handling & Shooting Elite Training Academy is great for players looking to be challenged for 90 minutes of intense and competitive drills. Each session typically will focus on a 45 minute Ball Handling workout and a 45 minute shooting workout

Ball Handling Workout: In the game of basketball today, every player needs to be able to dribble. Our ETA ball handling sessions will teach participants the ball handling and dribbling skills, drills, and techniques they need to master and navigate the court with complete confidence. The ETA offers a creative and exciting curriculum that will teach the athletes how to cross-over defenders, develop their handle, and continue to train on their own. The curriculum focuses on individual skill development in ball handling & dribbling, a competitive environment, and progresses from individual moves, to drives and team aspects of penetration and kick.

Shooting Workout: The Shooting Workout starts with the very basics and develops into more complex shooting mechanics that are transferred into game situations. At these ETA’s, the focus is strictly on the fundamentals of shooting and the footwork it takes to become a great shooter. Each training session provides structured, progressive and repetitious instruction utilizing the results of proven success of proven shooters.”

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