Darien Junior Football League: 2/3 Flag Football
Boys, Girls • 2nd, 3rd • Flag Football, Football • House Team • Fall • Darien
The DJFL 2nd and 3rd grade flag football program starts with a team selection day in early September and includes one practice and one game per week, facilitated by volunteer parent coaches.
“Our traditional flag football program is a “house” league and games are played on Saturday mornings at Hindley School with only Darien kids.
Coaches will schedule and notify parents directly. Players should wear gym shorts, rubber cleats and bring a water bottle. The league provides team shirts and flags. Players are assigned to a team following team selection day and will get practice and game schedules once teams have been organized. Players will be contacted by his/her coach.
In 2nd/3rd grades, the kids are each placed on a team for the season and play a set schedule. Games are played on Saturday mornings with start times ranging from 8 AM to 1 PM with games lasting one hour each. Start times will vary week to week and will not be finalized until early September.”

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