Darien Little League: AA Baseball

Boys    2nd    Baseball    House Team    Spring    Darien


“The AA League is a program designed for second graders as the last instructional league before organized, competitive play.  Teaching stations are set up prior to every game to fine tune throwing and hitting mechanics.  During the game, coaches are permitted on the field to pitch to their own rosters and reinforce defensive positions in the field.  During the second half of the season, player-to-player pitching will be permitted.  In addition, “AA+ games and clinics will also be provided for further instruction and skill development. AA+ provides AA players the opportunity to play additional games utilizing AAA rules.

Uniform & Equipment: DLL supplies team jersey and cap plus all equipment.  Player wears uniform pants and cleats/sneakers and brings his/her own baseball glove and helmet with face cage.”

Look for registration beginning in November. The season typically starts in mid to late April and runs through early June.

According to DLL, AA teams have two events per week including a clinic on Monday afternoon or evening and a game on Saturday morning or afternoon (most often at either 9am or 3pm, but it will vary).

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