Darien Parks & Rec: New Level Tennis Lessons
Boys, Girls • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, Kindergarten, Preschool • Racket Sports, Tennis • Class/Clinic • Fall, Spring • Darien
“At New Level Sports, our programs are led by a team of professionals who are chosen to raise levels of skill development and provide individuals with lessons that will increase both their knowledge and levels of enjoyment in the game of Tennis. Our motto of, ‘We Take You Higher’ is used in the hope that once each session has passed, each individual will walk away with a higher level of skill development and knowledge of the game than previously maintained. Frank Russo & New Level Tennis will be offering an exciting tennis experience this spring in Darien. Classes will utilize fun drills, coordination exercises, and age appropriate games to enhance students understanding and aptitude for tennis. More advanced players will focus on stroke refinement, movement, court sense and match play.” Classes are held at Weed Beach and kids are grouped by ages – 3&4, 4&5, 5&6, 6-8, 9-11 and 12-14.

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