Darien Youth Hockey Association: Senior Minor

Boys, Girls    6th, 7th, 8th    Ice Hockey    House Team    Fall, Winter    Stamford


Darien’s house hockey program for 11 to 13 year olds. The season runs from mid-October through early March. Look for registration in May.

“TEAM-based skill development model with the goal of continuing skill development but also allowing older players to continue to have fun playing the greatest game in a low-stress environment. Senior Minor, like all of our DYHA House programs, is open to both boys and girls. Typically they will have practice Friday evenings (conducted by DYHA professional coaches) and will have games Saturdays, typically 3 or 4pm with the bench run by parent coaches. Senior Minors also participate in the WestConn Hockey League, a “travel light” experience with several games throughout the season scheduled against other local programs.”

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