Noroton Yacht Club: Junior Sailing

Boys, Girls    3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th    Sailing    Camp    Summer    Darien


Safety comes first in the Noroton Junior Sailing program. Sportsmanship, teamwork, seamanship, enthusiasm and planning ahead for sailing are emphasized in every class. Junior Sailing is one of the longest running and strongest programs at the club and runs 8 weeks through the summer. It offers all levels of sailing, from beginners to advanced racing and recreational sailing for non-racers. Boats include the Optimist, C420, ILCA, Feva and Open BIC.  Noroton offers participation in its Junior Sailing Program to children of members and to children of non-members based on availability (subject to approval). Sailors need to supply their own boats, with the exception of the Intro to Double Handed class, and Adventure Sailing, which will have access to club-owned Open BICs, Ideal 18’s, and Sonars.  We have a limited number of club-owned Optis available if you are interested in chartering for a morning class. We also have a limited number of Fevas available to charter for the afternoon program.  Sailors must be 8 years old by December 31, 2024 to participate. 

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