Sweet Blue Swim: Stroke Excellence

Boys, Girls    1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th    Swimming, Swimming & Diving    Class/Clinic    Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter    Stamford


“Stroke Excellence classes take swim lessons to the next level. They are the next level from Learn-to-Swim classes, and they focus on enhancing the technique of the four strokes that will allow swimmers to swim faster, and to experience the love and fun of the water at a near-competitive level. Swimmers in Stroke Excellence classes are required to swim laps continuously and comfortably.

  • Develop, coordinate and refine the strokes
  • Improve other aquatic skills
  • Increase endurance by swimming greater distances
  • Introduced to basics of turning at the wall and stroke drills

Ratio: 1:3″

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